Res Agraria

Center Research of Agronomic and Environmental

About us

Res Agraria is a Center Research Organization authorized by the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Policies and by the Ministry of Health, able to meet the needs of experimentation in agriculture by offering high quality services.

The facility has modern equipment and software for field applications, data collection, storage and processing of plant specimens, the drawing of study protocols (GEP and GLP), through notebooks and final reports, useful for product registrations.

The large area of the covered territory allows the staff of Res Agraria to carry out trials on the major agricultural, forest, ornamental and nursery cultivations, both in open fields and in greenhouses.

The staff is composed of Agronomists, Agricultural Experts and Agrotechnics with a high professional profile acquired in over twenty years of experimental activity, which allows to offer a service tailored to the needs of the customer allowing the optimization of available resources.

A team of professionals operating since 1990 in different areas linked to the world of agriculture and its industrial aspects, decided to merge all their own experiences into Res Agraria in 1998.

The expertise and professional skills that characterize the team members, permit Res Agraria to participate in projects and broad productions, able to ensure customer satisfaction and a high quality service.

Our services

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Research and Experimentation

Consultancy and

Environment and Landscape


Res Logo

Res Agraria uses the certifications obtained by the Ministries of the Italian Republic, as a guarantee and testimony of the quality of the services offered and the skills of its staff.

Our staff

Lorenzo Granchelli

Position: Founder and RCM
Expert: Phytopathologist and Landscape Designer
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 209
Mobile: +39 3292207461

Antonio Pandolfi

Position: Founder, Legal Rapresentative, Scientific and Development Manager
Expert : Personnel and Projects Cordinator
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 205
Mobile: +39 3292207463

Maurizia Di Ottavio 

Position: Founder, Administrative Manager and Vice-Archivist
Expert: Accounting and Resource Management
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 203
Mobile: +39 3294707799

Daniele D’Andrea

Position: Study Director (GEP)
Expert: GEP and ARM Cordinator
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 211
Mobile: +39 3347258825

Samantha Triboletti

Position:  Quality Assurance
Expert : Food Science and Technology
Tel: +39 (0)861777139 int. 208

Giorgio Guercioni

Position: Principal Investigator (GLP and GEP), Field Scientist, Responsible of Specimens and Equipments Manager
Expert: Equipment, Test Substances and Specimens Management
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 206
Mobile:+39 3347258825

Alfonso Magno

Position: Principal Investigator,Field Scientist Responsible Processing Phase
Expert : Laboratory Management and Field Activities
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 214
Mobile: +39 3347282028

Mariano Di Giminiani

Position: Landscape and Territory Coordinator
Expert: Process Management
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 204
Mobile: +39 3358023997

Attilio Faiazza Mambelli

Position: Forester engineer
Expert: Arboriculture and Landscape Management
Tel: +39 (0)86177139 int. 213
Mobile: +39 3714174467

Giovanni Pompilii

Position: Principal Investigator for BPL and BPS tests
Expert: Field Activities Management
Tel: +39 (0)861777139 int. 216
Mobile: +39 3895252833

Simona Lorena Gallieni

Position: Archivist
Expert: Planning and Management Activities
Tel: +39 (0)861777139 int. 207

Flavio Tacconi

Position: Arboriculture and Landscape Management, Expert in Programma di sviluppo rurale (PSR)
Expert: Precision Agriculture 4.0 Tel: +39 (0)861777139 int. 212
Cell: +39 320 2928083

Alessandro Tirabassi

Position: Field Scientist & Plant Pathologist
Expert: Phytopathologist
Tel: +39 (0)861777139

Giacomo Pascali

Position: Field Scientist & Plant Pathologist
Expert: Phytopathologist
Tel: +39 (0)861777139

Michele Nunziata Rega

Position: Field Scientist
Expert: Entomologist
Tel: +39 (0)861777139
Cell: +39 320 6823808
Areas of competence: Lazio, Campania (Italy)